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Best AvaTrade Forex Pairs For Beginners To Trade

best Avatrade pairs for beginners

AvaTrade currency pairs allows investors, businesses, banks and financial institutions to buy or sell currencies. The forex exchange or Forex market  is an OTC market that operates 24/5.

The AvaTrade forex broker allows traders to profit by speculating on the prices of each currency. For each forex pair, the floating rate fluctuates between the base currency and the quote currency. Each change in rate is called a percentage-in-point (PIP) tick. For beginners getting started, you can develop your own currency trading strategy depending on leverage, session times, and pairs type. AvaTrade offers a list of forex pairs to trade. In this post, we’ll cover the best pairs for beginners.

What is currency trading?

In the beginning, learn the basics of currency trading. With currency trading, you can buy one currency and sell another simultaneously. In fact, the global foreign exchange market is the most liquid market in the world. For example, if you are trading EUR/USD currency pair EUR is considered as base currency and USD is the quote currency. You need to understand three basic terms to know more about currency trading.

  • Major Currency Pair:  You can trade major currency pairs such as USD/CHF, GBP/USD, USD/ JPY, USD/CAD, and AUD/USD. These currency pairs are the most actively traded and offer the greatest liquidity.
  • Minor Currency Pair: With AvaTrade you can trade a large selection of minor currency pairs. These pairs are less liquid and offer wider AvaTrade spreads.
  • Exotic Currency Pair: You can trade this currency pair with any location in the country . These involve currencies that are liquid and have wider spreads.

You can open different types of AvaTrade accounts and start trading major, minor and exotic currency pairs. Moreover, in currency trading, you can speculate the value of one country’s currency with another like USD/MXN in Avatrade Mexico. Indeed, AvaTrade for beginners offers the best currency trading pairs.

Most Popular AvaTrade Major Forex Pairs

Discover the most popular, beginner-friendly FX pairs to leverage with AvaTrade. Representing two of the world’s biggest trading blocks & global economies, EUR/USD remains a widely recognized, highly liquid, and low-spread pair to start trading. With a unique combination of volatility, profitability, and liquidity – EUR/USD is a promising option for beginners too. Throughout your daily transactions, you’ll likely encounter many other major forex pairs:


Overall, these are some of the most actively-traded pairs across the global currency market. Certainly, start trading with AvaTrade-supported, highly-popular, and beginner-friendly forex pairs.

AvaTrade Minor Pairs

Beginners should invest in minor pairs to trade currencies without the US dollar. To get started, you can use AvaTrade deposit bonus offers and open a new trading account at low costs. Instead, other country’s currencies are the base currency and the dealmaker. Since the quote currency is not USD as well, these pairs have the potential for higher fluctuation and greater extremes. Minor currency pairs, or cross currency pairs, use two other major tickers such as EUR, GBP or AUD. These pairs usually have less liquidity and higher spreads. Minor currency pairs also involve a major currency with a smaller or emerging country’s currency.

Here’s the AvaTrade currencies pairs list:

  • EUR/AUD- Euro/Australian Dollar
  • EUR/GBP- Euro/British Pound
  • GBP/AUD- British Pound/Australian Dollar
  • GBP/JPY- British Pound/Japanese Yen
  • AUD/JPY- Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen
  • NZD/JPY- New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen
  • EUR/CAD- Euro/Canadian Dollar

Start trading on AvaTrade, a beginner-friendly trading platform, to access a wide range or minor currency pairs.  

AvaTrade Exotic Currency Pairs

Exotic pairs are best for beginners who are seeking volatility. In addition to the major and minor currency exchanges, exotic currency pairs offer exposure to emerging markets and developing nations. These currencies include countries like Turkey, Hungary, and Swizerland. With exotic exchange rates, you can identify additional market opportunities, diversification, and interest rates. Before trading these risk-on currency pairs, develop a sound strategy.

Major CurrenciesMinor CurrenciesCurrency PairsDescription
EURHUFEUR/HUFEuro/Hungarian Forint
EURNOKEUR/NOKEuro/Norwegian Krone
EURPLNEUR/PLNEuro/Polish Zloty
EURSEKEUR/SEKEuro/Swedish Krona
EURTRYEUR/TRYEuro/Turkish Lira
EURZAREUR/ZAREuro/South African Rand
GBP GBP/HUFBritish Pound/Hungarian Forint
GBPNOKGBP/NOKBritish Pound/Norwegian Krone
GBPSEKGBP/SEKBritish Pound/Swedish Krona
GBPSGDGBP/SGDBritish Pound/Singapore Dollar
USDHUFUSD/HUFUS Dollar/Hungarian Forint
USDILSUSD/ILSUS Dollar/Israeli Shekel
USDMXNUSD/MXNUS Dollar/Mexican Peso
USDNOKUSD/NOKUS Dollar/Norwegian Krone
USDPLNUSD/PLNUS Dollar/Polish Zloty
USDSEKUSD/SEKUS Dollar/Swedish Krona
USDSGDUSD/SGDUS Dollar/Singapore Dollar
USDTRYUSD/TRYUS Dollar/Turkish Lira
USDZARUSD/ZARUS Dollar/South African Rand

With AvaTrade, beginners can access a wide range of exotic forex pairs with a major base currency. However, the broker does not offer exotic vs exotic currency pairs.

Forex Pairs With 30:1 Leverage

For beginners on AvaTrade, leverage on forex trade pairs range from 30:1 to 400:1. A 30:1 leverage refers to a control of $30 trading profit/loss for $1 of your capital. You can get a 100% deposit bonus with the AvaTrade partner code. The leverage on AvaTrade pairs depends on your jurisdiction. For example, the AvaTrade ASIC Australia regulator limits forex leverage to 30:1, including major forex pairs. In the past, the major pairs were traded up to 500:1 leverage. Additionally, the maximum leverage limits can change depending on the AvaTrade CFD trading, forex pairs or underlying CFD product. The forex currency pairs that offer maximum leverage of 30:1 include:


Start trading with AvaTrade maximum leverage of 30:1 on the above forex pairs. In addition, pairs that are traded at higher limits can be adjusted to 30:1 leverage.

Forex Pairs With 400:1 Leverage

Beginners should use extreme caution for high leverage trading with Avatrade. You can control $400 for every $1 of investment. With an established risk management strategy, you can earn profits. You can also copy trading on AvaTrade to replicate high-profit strategies, risk management parameters, and stop loss to minimize losses while trading with high leverage. However, most retail or beginners lose money on small accounts. On the Ava platform, you may have to verify as a professional trader to access 400 to 1 leverage on forex pairs.

Here’s a list of high leverage forex pairs:


Additionally, beginners can use the forex position calculator to learn more about high leverage margin, costs, and spreads.

Forex Pairs By Trading Session

Next, start trading Avatrade forex pairs by understanding the forex trading sessions.
You can trade forex pairs flexibly on forex market all day/night, 5 days a week. The opening and closing times of forex trading sessions are divided into four main categories around the globe:

  • Sydney Session (10 PM- 7AM GMT)
  • Tokyo Session (12 AM – 9 AM GMT)
  • London Session ( 8 AM – 5 PM GMT)
  • New York Session (1 PM – 10 PM GMT)

You will find each session to have individual qualities. Select your trading session, based on the level of market action and liquidity availability. Plus, choose a market session that matches your preferred volatility of the currency pairs you are trading.Avatrade notifies you of the changes in opening and closing times of different sessions. As a beginner, trading forex pairs on Avatrade forex trading sessions enhance your trading experience and with effective strategy you can surely yield success.

EUR/USD Forex Pairs

With rare fusion of liquidity and volatility, EUR/USD remains the most popular AvaTrade forex pair.The EUR/USD symbolizes the euro dollar exchange rate. Overall, this Avatrade forex pair is mainly traded by the multi-national corporations in USA and Europe leading to its increased demand.

You will find EUR/USD as the most trusted forex pairs. Starting with the EUR/USD trading pair on Avatrade, you can gain profits from it’s low spread and excellent liquidity at all times. You can trade this forex pair with day trading, swing trading or scalping.
For a broad fundamental view of the pair check on the major bodies that influence EUR/USD trading are:

  • ECB (European Central Bank)
  • Fed(US Federal Reserve Bank)

You will discover EUR/USD pair a near perfect negative correlation to USDCHF. This correlation is mainly due to largest global economies backing EUR/USD. Certainly, you can expect to guess the correct trading way with the transparency in the European Union and United States.
With EUR/USD forex pair you can surely have competitive spreads and large volumes of stables on Avatrade.

Picture of Chad Axelrod
Chad Axelrod

Chad Axelrod is a professional trader and market analyst with 15+ years of industry experience. Starting his career on Wall Street, he quickly realized his passion for writing and finance. Through his posts, reviews, and broker comparisons - he believes beginner and seasoned traders should make informed decisions while selecting a broker. At, Chad prioritizes publishing unbiased and transparent reviews.

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