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Is AvaTrade Safe For Beginners?

is avatrade a safe broker

Determine is AvaTrade is a safe platform for beginners. Every firm like AvaTrade has complaints, accusations of fraud, or claims of scams. It’s crucial to check the broker’s legitimacy before opening a new account.

As a beginner trader, you need to watch out for any types of scam artists or cold calls. Evaluate if Avatrade is trustworthy based on the online reviews, track record, and regulations in place. For example, what is the broker’s score on TrustPilot? Join their community and see if any AvaTrade complaints are legitimate. With over a decade of company history, you’ll find countless opinions from real customers online. By reading this post, you can answer, is AvaTrade safe for beginners?

Is AvaTrade Legit? The Company History

Carefully review company history and background to determine if AvaTrade signals are safe and trustworthy for beginners. AvaTrade has a strong industry track record – supporting forex beginners like yourself since 2006. With country of origin in Ireland, their 18+ year history and spotless global track record supports that the broker is a trustworthy, reliable, and legit industry player – a major indicator to overall safety, including in Latam Countries like Mexico.

Further, the company is renowned for transparent ownership and management – which signifies that the broker is a reputable legal entity. With a strong understanding of AvaTrade’s corporate history and background, you can avoid falling victim to fraudulent broker scams and services. Read the full AvaTrade review and company history to determine if the broker is safe for you.

Is AvaTrade A Regulated Broker?

To prioritize safety, open your account with secure, safe, and regulated brokerages like AvaTrade. Notably, AvaTrade is regulated and overseen by top-tier global authorities, including:

  • Central Bank Of Ireland (CBI)
  • Israel Securities Authority (ISA)
  • Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)
  • Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
  • Abu Dhabi Global Markets Authorities (ADGM-FSRA)
  • Financial Futures Association Of Japan (FFAJ)
  • Japanese Financial Services Agency (JFSA)
  • Financial Superintendence of Colombia (SFC)

Certain regulators, including the CBI, offer client negative balance protection up to €20K. In Europe, AVA Trade EU Ltd. additionally operates a licensed, approved, and regulated Polish Branch – authorized by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA). Plus, you can start copy trading on AvaSocial which is an FCA regulated entity.

JurisdictionRegulatorsAvaTrade Entity
Australia AccountsAustralian Securities and Investments Commissions (ASIC)Ava Capital Markets Australia Pty Ltd
Isreal AccountsIsrael Securities Authority (ISA)ATrade Ltd
Japan AccountsJapanese Financial Services Agency (FSA),  & Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ)Ava Trade Japan K.K.
Middle East AccountsAbu Dhabi Global Market Authorities Financial Services Regulatory Authority (ADGM – FSRA)AvaTrade Middle East Ltd
South Africa AccountsFinancial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)Ava Capital Markets Pty
Other Jurisdictions (International)B.V.I Financial Services CommissionAVA Trade Ltd

Is AvaTrade Trusted By Others?

Next, many platforms rate AvaTrade trust score 90+ because of its authorization from multiple Tier 1 regulators. These top regulators include the ASIC in Australia, CIRO of Canada, JFSA in Japan, and the EU’s MiFID. Plus, they have a number of Tier 2, Tier 3 and other licenses across various AvaTrade entities. In fact, over 400,000 clients trust AvaTrade to hold their funds. The broker also expanded to Latin American countries too, obtaining approval in Colombia.

With millions of dollars in deposits regulated globally, the platform has good capitalization when comparing the AvaTrade vs Exness brokers. While there is always couterparty risk, the broker does segregate client funds and business funds in compliance with regulators. These are some of the major factors contributing to a high trust score across multiple platforms.

Is My Money Safe In AvaTrade Accounts?

AvaTrade offers accounts with safety protection and fund security. Review the types of AvaTrade accounts available. The company priorities the safety of your funds while making large transactions online. The brokerage uses 256-bit SSL encryption and an embedded true-site security seal. Of course, you must verify that you’re working with the legitimate AvaTrade broker, not a scam website or spoofing url. Additionally, the platform is WebTrust compliant as per the AICPA.

To prevent identity theft and financial fraud, the broker has McAfee Secure Hackersafe integrated. On the website, the company notes, that “security of customer funds” is one of the company’s main values along with low AvaTrade trading fees. Additionally, the company’s jurisdictions create strict regulatory standards and robust measurement for fraud prevention and over-all security to your funds.

Is AvaTrade Reliable? Reviews & Reputation

Moreover, take notice of AvaTrade’s reputation management. The company has more than a decade of excellent reviews. Their website features third-party reviews that lend confidence to their client integrity and overall customer satisfaction. You will find that their reputation spans across 7 global regions, including China and Asia. For instance, during difficult times like the 2018 crypto crisis, the platform resolved issues quickly and stood by its clients. Additionally, AvaTrade holds a strong reputation among global clients. Particularly, you can always find exclusive AvaTrade bonus programs to get 100% bonus broker offer to trading.

Plus, AvaTrade has been rated along with regulations such as ESMA and MiFID II. Indeed, the broker has been the most rated among the industry to create a safe trading environment for beginners. You can proceed cautiously with copy trading as beginners to gain profits. With Avatrade partner code, you can start with a low AvaTrade minimum deposit to check out the platform for yourself.

AvaTrade is a secure and safe platform for beginners to start trading. The company’s history has held 18 years of beginner-friendly trading support. Plus, the company is currently established with regulatory jurisdictions from multiple nationwide authorities. Their trust score of 90+ allows different available tiers and holds over 100,000 accounts. Meanwhile, the platform’s security includes 256-bit SSL encryption and an embedded security seal. Definitely, consider these factors to answer, is safe AvaTrade safe for beginners.  

Picture of Chad Axelrod
Chad Axelrod

Chad Axelrod is a professional trader and market analyst with 15+ years of industry experience. Starting his career on Wall Street, he quickly realized his passion for writing and finance. Through his posts, reviews, and broker comparisons - he believes beginner and seasoned traders should make informed decisions while selecting a broker. At, Chad prioritizes publishing unbiased and transparent reviews.

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